Cool New Year’s Eve Traditions – Memphis Ice

It’s time to ring in the new year with a sampling of cool new year’s eve traditions from around the world. Read our roundup of cool traditions and customs.

Adios, 2023! It’s time to ring in 2024 with a sampling of cool traditions from around the world. After all, what better way to turn a page in time than by trying something new? Here’s our roundup of cool traditions, superstitions, and customs that will make the start of 2024 a new year to remember. 

Make This Year The Coolest Year Yet With These New Year’s Eve Traditions

Take a Polar Bear Plunge

There’s nothing like kicking off your year with a jolt, amiright? Every year people from all over the world jumpstart the new year by diving into freezing cold lakes and oceans on January 1. Brrrr! 

This tradition has been around for over 100 years and originated in Canada when a group of swimmers called the Polar Bear Club made their icy plunge. Today many countries claim it as part of their New Year’s tradition and some people even claim health benefits from the blast of frigid water. 

It’s no secret that we’re big fans of ice, but we might leave this tradition to the polar bears and enjoy ice in a refreshing drink, instead. 

Related: Four New Year’s Eve Drink Ideas To Toast To A Bright New Year

Drop It Like It’s [Not] Hot

Many good things come from ice cream—even good luck, according to this Swiss tradition. If you’re celebrating the end of the year with a scoop of ice cream, drop a dollop on the floor at midnight to manifest good things in the coming year. We knew that pint of mint chocolate chip in the freezer needed to be put to good use, so here’s our chance.  

Pour one out, as they say. Or in this case, scoop one out. 

Find Out How The New Year Will Shape Up

Curious to know how the new year will shape up for you? In Finland and Germany there’s a tradition that reveals just that. Begin by pouring melted wax into a glass of cold water. Whatever shape the hot wax takes in the ice water gives you a hint of what’s to come in the year ahead. For example, round shapes mean good luck is rolling your way while pointy sword shapes suggest risk-taking. 

Originally, this tradition fell under the “don’t try this at home” category. That’s because back in the old days, people poured molten metal, tin, or lead into cold water—which is just as dangerous as it sounds. Thankfully, the tradition has evolved into less dangerous materials.

Usher In The New Year With A Splash

If you’re walking through Puerto Rico on New Year’s Eve, you might want to pack an umbrella. Without one, you might be on the receiving end of a polar plunge you didn’t expect. On New Year’s Eve, some Puerto Ricans dump a bucket of water out the window. The tradition holds that throwing water out drives out bad vibes and evil spirits. So we recommend keeping an eye open for incoming cold water if you’re in the area. 

Related: Pearl Ice Perfections: 4 Sweet Treats for Winter

Let The Cold Air In

Depending on where you are in the world, New Year’s Eve can be pretty chilly. But in the Philippines, that’s usually not the case. In that country, some people open all the doors and windows at midnight. This is supposed to clear out all the bad and let all the good enter in, but if you’re trying out this tradition in a colder climate, you might let a lot of cold air in, too. But that’s all part of the fun, right?

Look Forward To A Cool Future With Memphis Ice

Traditions are a cool way to come together through shared experiences. Here at Memphis Ice Machine Company, we like to think ice can be part of those moments, too. Even if you aren’t taking a dive into an icy lake this New Year’s Eve, you might scoop a handful of ice into your drink and ring in the New Year with a toast. And that’s enough for us. 

So from the Memphis Ice family to yours, we wish everyone a happy (and cool!) new year! And if you need help keeping cool, contact us with all your refrigeration or ice questions. Happy New Year!