Keep Your Ice Machine (And Your Customers) Cool During Heat Waves

What can you do right now to ensure a safe and secure environment for your ice maker in the sprawling, seemingly never-ending MidSouth Summer heat waves?


Every ice machine loves a consistent environment. Too hot, and the risk for damage increases. Too cold? The same thing can happen. Excessive heat, or drastic shifts in temperature will impact the lifespan of the ice machine you own or rent. That means reduced performance and a shorter lifespan for the ice machine you and your customers rely on every single day.

So what can you do? What can you do right now to mitigate potential risk and ensure a safe and secure environment for your ice maker in the sprawling, seemingly never-ending MidSouth Summer heat waves? 

We’re glad you asked. Keep reading to learn more about what your ice machine needs to thrive so you and your customers can stay cool during heat waves.

Ice Machines Have a Goldilocks Zone

There’s this theory in earth and space science known as the Goldilocks Zone. It’s the ideal range in distance and temperature that planets must be in to sustain life. It’s where Earth is now in relation to our Sun, and it’s where your ice machine needs to be in order to function to the best of its ability! 

Just like the planet, an ice machine cycles between cold and hot phases. If it’s too hot to function, then you’ll experience reduced output, tiny cubes (cute, but not very effective) or worse, permanent damage. There are similar issues around using your ice machine in temperatures that are too cold as well! For the components in your ice machine to work properly, a temperature range of 50-70 degrees Fahrenheit is recommended. Once you reach 80 degrees Fahrenheit and above, performance can decrease. If you hit 90 degrees Fahrenheit and above, then your ice machine is in danger.

With heat indexes often reaching over 100 in our region in the Summer months, that temperature range is tough to maintain. But if you do, you’ll get the best performance for the busiest times in your business and reduce damage risk.

Keep Your Ice Machine (And Your Customers) Cool During a Heat Wave

Here are a few more tips on how to prevent maintenance issues and keep your ice machine happy during extreme heat. Remember, a happy ice machine means happy customers!

  • Keep your machines clean. This is more than a service call. Perform weekly, if not daily inspections of your equipment, so you can catch problems before they disrupt your business.
  • Proper airflow is essential. If your machine is air cooled, it needs space to intake and dissipate heat. The same applies for water cooled as well! All that heat needs to go somewhere. That is ideally far away from the machine. Avoid storing your machine in closets, small sheds, outdoors, or near appliances that produce significant heat, like an oven or grill. 
  • Ice machines need consistency. Part of that is proper draining. Machines need to get rid of excess water! If you don’t have the correct plumbing or drainage indoors, that can be a problem. It’s why people choose to place their ice machine outside. Please do not place your machine outdoors. We understand in some cases it just can’t be avoided. But if you can, place your machine indoors with proper drainage readily available. This will drastically improve your machine’s performance and lifespan. 
  • If you cannot store and use your ice machine indoors, then you need to get crafty. Cover and insulate your machine to the best of your ability. That means using items like insulated tape around your water lines, careful inspection of valves and seams to ensure proper fitting and no leakage, or layers of readily available foam or cardboard to cover surfaces exposed to air. Anything at all to create a temperature-controlled environment. Just don’t cover the vents in the process.

It’s Hot In Tennessee! But You Can Keep Cool With Memphis Ice!

Summer heat—maintenance technician and machine meet. It gets toasty around here as the Summer ramps up. In some seasons, we experience weeks, or even months-long heat waves with excessive humidity right here in our service region! That sustained level of temperature wreaks havoc on our customer’s machines, which is why we’re available when you need us for ice machine maintenance.

If you rent, you’ll have at least one annual servicing included at no extra charge, plus priority maintenance! And if you’re curious about renting your next ice machine from us, click here to read all about it!